Since Brexit, UK exports to the EU have fallen by a colossal 40% in January alone, with this rate expected to increase once the data for February becomes available. We are already witnessing the seismic impact this is having on small-and-medium-sized firms, many of which relied on the EU as the main business partner, with the rug being pulled away come 1st January 2021.
As the UK Government still seems to be reeling as to how to allow services to be exported, with huge amounts of red tape and bureaucracy on both sides. This has resulted in a stalemate, at the expense of business owners, with no end in sight as to when normal business will resume (if at all!).
Our mailbox has been inundated with requests on what we can do, and how we can help, by firms such as yourselves. Whether you're an accountant, financial adviser, or goods producer, there are options available to you to ensure continued business with the EU.
We have seen a big uptake in satellite offices being established within the EU, to allow the continued provision of services. This option isn't as costly as you may think, and with our expert help, we can look to set you up with a company, physical office, staff, and more in record time.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and seeing how we can help you too!